DeWalt DWE4120 manual

DeWalt DWE4120

View the manual for the DeWalt DWE4120 here, for free. This manual comes under the category grinders and has been rated by 8 people with an average of a 8.6. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the DeWalt DWE4120 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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DeWalt DWE4120 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the DeWalt DWE4120.

The DeWalt DWE4120 is a grinder designed for various cutting and grinding applications. Weighing 2721 grams, this grinder is relatively lightweight, making it easy to maneuver and handle during operation. Its tool-free blade change feature allows for quick and hassle-free switching of blades, increasing efficiency and productivity. With a stroke length of 22.225 millimeters, the DeWalt DWE4120 offers precise and controlled cutting and grinding results. Its depth measures 457.2 millimeters, providing ample space for handling larger workpieces. The inclusion of a soft grip ensures a comfortable and secure hold, reducing hand fatigue during extended use. Power for the DeWalt DWE4120 is derived from an AC power source, ensuring consistent and reliable performance. This grinder is suitable for both professional and DIY applications, offering versatility in its usage. Despite being a compact device, the DeWalt DWE4120 is built with high-quality materials, ensuring its durability and reliability over time. Its sturdy construction allows for heavy-duty use, withstanding the demands of various cutting and grinding tasks. In conclusion, the DeWalt DWE4120 is a lightweight grinder with a tool-free blade change feature, providing ease of use and increased efficiency. Its precise stroke length and ample depth make it suitable for a range of cutting and grinding applications. With a comfortable soft grip and reliable AC power source, this grinder offers versatility and durability for both professional and DIY use.